Speech 22 April 2020 Consultative Meeting on the Response to Needs for Migrants during the COVID 19 pandemic - International Organization for Migration
Speech 22 April 2020 Consultative Meeting on the Response to Needs for Migrants during the COVID 19 pandemic - UN Resident Coordinator
Speech 30 April 2020 Meeting of the Inter-Ministerial Committee to Combat COVID-19 with the United Nations Country Team
Speech 30 April 2020 Meeting of Inter-Ministerial Committee to Combat COVID-19 and United Nations Country Team (UNCT) - WHO
Speech 01 June 2020 AGREEMENT SIGNING CEREMONY - Decent Employment for Youth in Cambodia DEY – Phase 2
Speech 15 July 2020 High-Level Meeting with the RGC on Joint Program to Support Returning Migrants during COVID-19 Crisis and its impacts - UNRCO
Speech 15 July 2020 High-Level Meeting with the RGC on Joint Program to Support Returning Migrants during COVID-19 Crisis and its impacts - WHO
Speech 15 July 2020 High-Level Meeting with the RGC on Joint Program to Support Returning Migrants during COVID-19 Crisis and its impacts - IOM
Speech 11 August 2020 UN MPTF Launching to Support Returning Migrants during COVID-19 Crisis and its impacts
Speech 27 October 2020 High-Level Symposium on The Future of We Want: the Role of Multilateralism in a Post-COVID-19 World - UNRCO
Speech 18 December 2020 International Migrants Day: Report Launch “Rapid Assessment on Social and Health Impact of COVID-19 Among Returning Migrant Workers in Cambodia”