30 November 2023
Phnom Penh, 30 November 2023 – The CAPFISH-Capture: Post-harvest Development project team in Cambodia, on 28 November 2023, received the 2023 Gender Equality Mobilization Award (GEM Award) at the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)'s General Conference in Vienna, Austria. The project team was recognized for its remarkable contribution to advancing gender equality and strengthening women's economic empowerment in Cambodia's fisheries sector. The award's theme was "Making gender equality a lived reality in the industry."

The fisheries sector in Cambodia is crucial for its economy and food security, with around 40% of the population relying on it for livelihood and sustenance. The majority of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) involved in Cambodia's post-harvest fisheries are led by women in charge of the processing, marketing, retailing and selling of the surplus of fishery products all over the country. However, despite their significant contributions throughout the entire fisheries value chain, including aquaculture, women's involvement is often perceived as an extension of domestic work, invisible in decision-making processes and under-valuated in economic terms.
Underlying gender inequalities limit women's opportunities to enhance their skills, a critical factor that undermines their economic and social participation. Moreover, women face gender-based discrimination, as well as severe constraints on their time due to reproductive and caregiving responsibilities, hindering the pursuit of their work-related goals, and, thus, the success of fisheries. Overcoming these challenges and creating opportunities for women to upgrade their skills, need empowerment of women to take on leadership roles and foster a more equitable and inclusive environment across the entire value chain.
The CAPFISH-Capture project, co-funded by the European Union (EU), aims to contribute to the development of post-harvest fisheries through the upgrading of the regulatory and institutional system, as well as the adoption of better practices and innovation by the private sector. Taking into consideration women's prominent roles in post-harvest fisheries and the prevalent gender inequalities hindering women from fulfilling their potential, the project has adopted a gender-responsive management approach, integrating gender equality and women's empowerment throughout its entire project cycle.
Mr. Narin SOK, UNIDO Cambodia's Country Representative, applauded the CAPFISH-Capture project for receiving the GEM Award. He recognized that “the project's gender equality approach has fostered an inclusive environment where everyone can flourish, leaving no one behind.” Narin highlighted UNIDO's pride in the project's ongoing efforts to promote women's economic roles and empower women-led MSMEs in post-harvest fisheries.
Under the Value Chain Investment Support (VCIS), the project provided technical assistance and equipment support to 28 fishery processing enterprises, of which 20 are women-led MSMEs. Many of these women-led enterprises have successfully obtained the Cambodia Quality Seal (CQS) certification, which mandates adherence to gender equality promotion.

27 national food inspectors responsible for the CQS certification (including 10 women), as well as the business development service providers supporting the MSMEs, have received training on gender equality and women's empowerment.
"By mainstreaming gender throughout the project, including gender policies, business support, project management, research and innovation, and stakeholder capacity building, the project aims to have long-term impacts on advancing gender equality and empowering women in Cambodia's fisheries sector," said H.E. Sotha POUM, Delegate of the Royal Government, Director General of the Fisheries Administration (FiA). His Excellency emphasized that the CAPFISH-Capture project, jointly implemented by the FiA and UNIDO, has laid a foundation for enduring positive impacts on gender equality and women's empowerment in the post-harvest fisheries sector following the MAFF, MISTI and FiA Policies on Gender Equality Promotion.
As part of the project's initiative to enhance the competitiveness of Cambodia's post-harvest fisheries, funding has been allocated to support eight research projects addressing sector-related challenges, considering women's needs and constraints to scale up their business performance. Notably, four of these projects are led by women researchers in collaboration with universities and the private sector.
Furthermore, the project has supported five women-producer groups, consisting of 141 members, with a majority being women. In the upcoming phase of the investment support, the project aims to select 20 additional enterprises, with a targeted minimum of 60% being led by women.
"Supporting women-led enterprises is essential for the economic development and sustainability of the fisheries sector. As their businesses thrive and prosper, they not only contribute to the broader economy but also serve as inspiring role models, encouraging other women to become entrepreneurs and transform gender-unequal power relations," said Koen EVERAERT, Deputy Head of Cooperation, EU Delegation to Cambodia. "The CAPFISH-Capture project's successful model can be replicated, and its best practices can be shared to foster women's entrepreneurship and economic empowerment," added Koen.
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For more information, please contact:
- Dr. Chamnan CHHOUN, Director of the Department of Fisheries Post-harvest Technologies and Quality Control (DFPTQ) of FiA:
- Mr. Samruol IM, National Communication and Visibility Expert for the CAPFISH-Capture project:
- Press and Information Section of the EU Delegation to Cambodia:
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