UNDAF 2016-2018
The UNDAF is the strategic programme framework for the UNCT that describes the collective vision and response of the UN system to national development priorities and defines how the UNCT will contribute to the achievement of development results. It defines outcomes, activities and UN agency and partners responsibilities that are agreed by the government.
The UNDAF 2016-2018 is aligned to the Rectangular Strategy for Growth, Employment, Equity and Efficiency Phase III and the National Strategic Development Plan (NSDP) 2014-2018. It is harmonized with the national planning process and will cover a three-year period, in line with the timeframe of the NSDP 2014-2018 to enable joint planning, monitoring and evaluation of results. It was developed through an interactive, consultative process with response to needs identified in common country analysis (RGC & other sources). It also builds on UNDAF 2011-2015 implementation.
The UNDAF has three mutually reinforcing outcome areas with cross-cutting issues, mainstreamed across all 3 outcomes.