Observance of the the first civil society day in Cambodia.
November 2019
March 2019
While violence in armed conflict has seen a significant decline over the last century, young people today face new challenges accessing peace.
November 2019
Resident Coordinator of the United Nations in Cambodia gives her remarks at the National Consultations on Enabling Environment for Women’s Entrepreneurship.
April 2019
The UN Secretary-General paved the way for this initiative through his vision to make the UN Development System fit for purpose in the 21st century.
April 2019
By Sarah Knibbs, UN Women Country Representative (a.i.)
April 2019
By Socheata Sokun, youth representative at the ECOSOC Forum in NY City
November 2019
Take Action
UNCDF, in collaboration with UNESCAP, is launching an Innovation Fund on digital solutions for micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises in Asia-Pacific.
May 2019
Press Release
- This morning, Ms. Pauline Tamesis, UN Resident Coordinator, led a delegation from the United Nations Country Team in Cambodia to meet with Samdech Techo Hun Sen, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia for the Annual Dialogue.