The Annual UN and Prime Minister Dialogue resumes: a commitment to strengthening human capital development and resilience in Cambodia
Written by UNRCO
On March 28th, 2023, the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC), chaired by Samdech Techo Prime Minister Hun Sen, convened the 6th Annual Dialogue with the United Nations Country Team, led by the UN Resident Coordinator, Mr Jo Scheuer.
The Annual Dialogue is a high-level platform to review and reflect on the joint contributions between the UN and the government, discuss national development priorities, including progress towards achieving Cambodia’s Sustainable Development Goals (CSDGs) and to strengthen cooperation between the Royal Government of Cambodia and the UN system.
During the dialogue, the UN Resident Coordinator updated the Prime Minister on joint progress in implementing the current UN Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) 2019 – 2023 and the development of the new United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF 2024-2028) to support the national strategic development plan and to address key SDG priorities and gaps.
The 2023 Annual Dialogue focused on 2 topics: (1) Strengthening Resilient Health System towards Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and (2) Expanding Coverage and Scope of Social Protection. The discussion focused on the Royal Government’s priorities and strategic directions for stronger resilient health systems towards Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and for developing and expanding the coverage of the social protection system that protects all people living in Cambodia, especially the poor and the vulnerable from life-cycle risks and shocks.
The UN in Cambodia reiterated the commitment to support the Royal Government’s priorities in strengthening resilient health systems towards UHC in strategic areas including preparing health systems for the next health emergency and pandemic and strengthening primary health care as the most cost efficient and equitable pathway to UHC.
On social protection, the UN highlighted the strategic approaches and the commitment to supporting the gradual expansion of the coverage, scope and quality of social protection to achieve a harmonized social protection system. The UN provides technical assistance to support policy development as well as support the expansion of social protection schemes including protection of the most vulnerable, the workers in both formal and informal economy, and health protection.
The UN looks forward to continuing to build our partnership with the Government, and to mobilize collective efforts to support the Government’s priorities to accelerate the SDGs. The UN will continue to coordinate closely with relevant counterparts in the Royal Government of Cambodia in taking forward the recommendations and actions discussed during the dialogue.