
International Migrants Day 2023 Celebration in Phnom Penh

22 December 2023

PHNOM PENH: On Friday, 22 December 2023, the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) celebrated the International Migrants Day (IMD) 2023 under the theme “Enhancing Regular Pathways for Migration through Governance, Skills Development and Certification for Cambodian Migrant Workers”. IMD 2023 was organized to honor the dedication and contribution of migrant workers to socio-economic development and poverty reduction, to commemorate and advocate for their rights and well-being and to bring attention of policymakers and stakeholders to the challenges migrant workers face and initiate responses to those challenges. 


IMD 2023 was presided over by His Excellency Heng Sour, Minister of Labour and Vocational Training and gathered around 200 representatives from line ministries, government entities, migrant workers, employers and workers’ association, CSOs, private recruitment agencies and association, private sector, academia, funding agencies, development partners and UN agencies.  

Migration is inextricably linked to sustainable development. In countries like Cambodia, remittances continue to offer lifelines to families of migrants in host countries, ensuring their basic needs are met and spurring local markets. Migrants significantly promote trade and investment, bring innovation and contribute skills and knowledge to their countries of origin and destination. 

In Cambodia there are 1.3 million migrant workers who are working mainly in seven countries, including Thailand, South Korea, Malaysia, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong and Saudi Arabia. Cambodian migrant workers are working hard every day in agriculture, fishing, construction, manufacturing and service sectors Cambodian migrant workers contribute significantly to socio-economic development through transferability of knowledge, skills and remittances. In 2022, Cambodian migrant workers sent approximately 2.7 billion USD in remittances home, equivalent to 4% of GDP. 

However, migrants remain vulnerable to discrimination, violence, exploitation, abuse and deprivation of social services. Irregular migration along perilous routes where traffickers and smugglers operate continues to come at a terrible cost. Well-managed migration allows states and individuals to harness the power of human mobility. 

The event was able to honor the dedication and key contributions of migrant workers to the family, community and society. IMD 2023 raised awareness, engaged stakeholders, and promoted safe, orderly and regular migration for Cambodian migrant workers through keynote presentations, experience sharing of returning migrant workers and a policy dialogue.


Ms. Kristin Parco, Chief of Mission, IOM Cambodia, … migration patterns are increasingly complex – driven and impacted by the changes we see in the world today. Inadequate regular migration pathways and protections leave people vulnerable to violence, exploitation, and abuse. Despite the progress made, with the changes such as demographic shifts to aging populations, income differentials and economic transformation, as well as climate change impacts, new approaches and strategic and sustainable responses are required”.  

HE Heng Sour, Minister of Labour and Vocational Training said, “Under this 7th legislature of the Royal Government of Cambodia, migration has become one of the key priorities of the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training in order to promote and protect the rights of Cambodian migrant workers working abroad as well as foreign migrant workers working in Cambodia”. 

Notes to the editor:   

IOM, as the related UN agency for migration, acts with its partners to assist in meeting the growing operational challenges of migration management, advance understanding of migration issues and uphold the human dignity and well-being of migrants and dedicated to promoting humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all and works with government and partners to ensure that the Sustainable Development Goals and targets linked to migrants’ rights remain part of the Government agendas. It does so by providing services and advice to governments and migrants and works to help ensure the orderly and humane management of migration, to promote international cooperation on migration issues, to assist in the search for practical solutions to migration problems and to provide humanitarian assistance to migrants in need, be they refugees, displaced persons or other uprooted people.   

For further information or media inquiries, please contact: 

KAO Sokunpharady, International Organization for Migration,  +855 – 93 938 789 skao@iom.int 


International Organization for Migration
